Monday, October 31, 2005

i've been reading the lyrics of tom waits. i found the official site and went to the lyrics page. amazing. the poetry grasps you and goes through your skin, i swear it. thanks to anthony for letting me in on him. i had heard him, but never really listened. s


Berko Wills said...

Oh yes. Love the Tom Waits. My collection is a bit of a mishmash now with some on CD and some on vinyl but it's surely getting there.

My faves are Rain Dogs and Mule Variations although I also really like some of the earlier stuff like Heart Attack and Vine and Blue Valentine

Sherry Pasquarello said...

hi, how goes the time off?

oh, i think the lyrics are something amazing. i'm in awe! i'm grateful to anthony for heading me in his direction!

Anthony said...

I had a hunch you'd appreciate Tom Waits' words based on your stuff that I've read. His music is just as good as his lyrics.

Sherry Pasquarello said...

hi anthony. yeah, the words are really something. gives me a lot to think about. i'll have to save a little and get a cd. thanks again, sherry