Sunday, December 18, 2005

hells bells

or, a hellava good time!

bring my skies down in glass shards
a sharp deadly down
pieces shatter sounding like bells
bells, a chaos of ringing glittering glass.

bring my skies down , a shockwave rolls
skyquakes rumble thunder around me,
bring me to my knees begging
shaking, still

bring my skies down
a blinding drowning down
grasping pleading

soaked. wash me against the rocks
lungs full of you.

bring my skies down
down raging down with us
shattered glass ringing
echos tolling

as you come.

ah, just a mood swing ! s.

1 comment:

Sherry Pasquarello said...

i'm glad you liked it. it's an ok poem, but it's more a personal idea than a good poem. mood swings are bizzare, but fun at times. ; )