Monday, June 12, 2006


the big truck rolled out
about an hour ago. job done
the t shirted and tanned workers
left without a word to us few
still watching from the corner.
the smell of fresh asphalt bright in
the dry summer heat.

the sharp squared corners
of the newborn parking lot
poke holes in the memories
of an old wooden house that
saw anniversaries and births
good times and the bad.
a home now only to our hearts.


LSqrd said...

Very nice Sherry. I can practically see the sheen....

Sherry Pasquarello said...

hi, thanks. i've been trying to keep my muse around and working.

just got done making some word bricks. it was a good day for concrete. cool and dry. : )

got sauce with meatballs cooking on the stove and so far, it's been a pretty good day!

QUASAR9 said...

Funny I love the smell of asphalt too, and most of the roads in england were & are built by irish navvys.

Some of them are not quite sure whether they trust me or not. They don't realise I don't mind them earning an honest living for a hard days work. I just wish sometimes we could pay them to rip up the old tarmac and plant trees instead of laying more tarmac.

But there is plenty of room yet. It will be a long time before the whole world becomes one big concrete jungle like NY, London, Tokyo, Shanghai, or other such metropolis.

Most people want gardens trees and parks for their children to play in. The things they are making less and less homes (houses) with large gardens, so we have to at least insist on 'communal' green spaces. Laters ... Q

Sherry Pasquarello said...

we still have a lot of green spaces in this city, thankfully. still have a lot of woods only a 10 minute drive from the city, but they are being developed at a faster rate now. that is why i have so many deer and turkeys and even coyotes in the small strip of woods behing the house. i feed whatever shows up EXCEPT the coyotes! i wish they'd leave!

QUASAR9 said...

Strange, even cats, Tigers & coyotes have to eat. If Bob wasn't contented he'd be out there chasing squirrels, sparrows or whatever he could catch. He probably still does just to keep his senses + instincts sharp.

Even stanger the thought of the lion & the lamb, the tiger & the deer, sitting down together.

Can you imagine the lion, the tiger, the coyote or Bob turning vegetarian?

I guess the advantage of being the prey, whether the deer, the squirrel, the sparrow, is they must have sharper instincts. I wonder who told which who they must take flight from?

A sparrow can sit on a lion's or Tigers head, but would not dare let Bob get close.

The coyote too has things it will chase, and things it must be weary of. Though of course all of us take more chances in life, the hungrier we are - and not all human hungers are for food. lol!

Sherry Pasquarello said...

all i know is that i can get beast like in the hunt for chocolate. ; )