Thursday, October 19, 2006



msliberty said...

Oh, how I love the rain.

As a little girl growing up in southeast Alaska, the sound of the drops on the tin roof of our trailer, were the lullabies that sung me to sleep.

Some people say that they don't like the rain because it deflates their hair, ruins a good car wash, and makes the air smell.

I say: who wants big hair? Why wash the car when the rain can do it for you? and Nothing smells better than the air after a good shower.

Sherry Pasquarello said...

hi, i usually like the sound and the scent of rain, but this has been a chilly rain that seeps into the bones. we've had a lot lately and it floods the creeks and streams and then the basements and causes a mess.
sat. is supposed to be sunny which will be wonderful with the fall colors.
thanks for stopping by! ; )