Sunday, August 31, 2008

Pro Wrestling Pioneer Dies at 81

(Aug. 30) - Pro wrestling pioneer Walter "Killer" Kowalski died early Saturday from the effects of a massive heart attack. He was 81.

i am sad. from all accounts he was a good man but for me, it's a part of my childhood gone. wrestling was big in pittsburgh while i was growing up. bruno sammartino still lives here. i watched it with my grandfather all the time.
killer kowalski was wrestling back then. i adored my grandfather and saw him just about every day of my life til he passed on when my daughter was in kindergarten.

goodbye walter. say hi to my grandfather o.k?


Unknown said...

How lucky for you to have spent so much time with a loving grandfather.

I too only had my grandfathers until about the age of five. But not because they died then, but because we were an ocean apart.

Sherry Pasquarello said...

yes i was lucky. my grandfather was a very special human being. he taught me a lot about many things but he taught me most about being kind to all without letting them even know most times that you were doing a kindness.