Friday, October 03, 2008

i really do want to say this.

i hope everyone votes. i do. even those that i do not see eye to eye with. i still want them to vote.

it's part of the american way. it's a big big part of what people have fought for, been jailed for and died for.

i respect your right to see life as it appears to you, perhaps how it truly is. not sure, but i really am glad to see so many people getting involved in many ways and most of all, registering to vote.

i used to work at the polls, but my health really doesn't permit that. i can't go door to door or make phone calls. i get tongue tied and when people are rude i get upset too easily anymore. i don't have much money to donate so i decided to use my blog just as so many others are doing to help my choice for president.

if obama wins. i will be happy but believe me, i am not the type to rub it in.
if mccain wins, i will not spend all of my time here pissing and moaning.

i will and intend to go back to the things i wrote of before this election.

but if whoever the winner is does something stupid(and people are human) i will

when i was a teenager, hell when i was first married, even tho vietnam was still raging and people my age were dying we couldn't vote, drink or own anything in our names.

my fiance and i had to go to the county court house and have our MOTHERS sign for our marriage licence and we had to take his FATHER with us to buy our car( our money, not his)we were both out of high school and working but not 21!

we both had friends and acquaintances that were drafted. some came back. some did not. no one came back the same. my fiance was lucky. he got a good number in the lottery a few months before we were married.

so i take the right to vote really seriously. many do for the same reason or their own reasons. i'm not unique in caring about the vote.

just wanted to explain why i've been obsessed with it now that the election is drawing near.

thanks, sherry

i can do that fairly well the older i get. ; )

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