Friday, October 10, 2008

pretty morning. very pretty!

my crows keep inviting friends over for breakfast.

i have a fairly large bunch in the little strip of woods behind my house and i feed my crows so i guess they decided to invite company.

funny thing about crows, people either love them or hate them.

i love them. yesterday, they had doughnuts.


heydave said...
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heydave said...

I like it when, in winter with snow on the ground, the crows waddle around in their dark suits, perusing every dead thing, every piece of trash, every possible food object they can find. They know enough to frequent the neighborhoods having trash pick up day, since all that yummy garbage is out for them.

They are quite unlike grackles, which as we all know, are the Assholes of the Bird World.

Sherry Pasquarello said...

i have never liked grackles.
for 14 years i lived in a place that had only pigeons and sparrows and grackles. nothing else, not even a squirrel!

i am happier here with the critters.

my crows always have 1 "lookout"
crow and wentever i go outside or get near the kitchen door(he can see thru the window from the tree branches)he will let out the same sounding call every time and whoever happens to be nearby, flies over to check and see if i have something just for them.

they are very bright birds.