Thursday, October 02, 2008

sunny bright and COLD! had to turn the furnace on for the 1st. time!!!!


heydave said...

Cold? Really? Not just cool?
Well, you know, the prettiest flowers are always the most delicate...

Sherry Pasquarello said...

that's a sweet thought but yeah, it's cold. for me at least.

each year it gets worse for me. i have reynaud's. no one knows why some people get it. sometimes, as in my case it's a symptom of an underlying condition or disease.

i have nf1, so that might be why.
if i get cold my body overreacts and thinks i'm literally freezing so it shuts the blood supply to my fingers and toes trying to conserve heat to my organs.

the specialist said he's had patients that have had to wear gloves to get things out of their freezers. i can believe it.

my family just says i'm a little blue smurf! they are right.