Tuesday, January 13, 2009

can't figure out what i want to do. i'm very restless and wired.

i have this odd feeling that some thing's up. some thing's round the corner.

i learned early on not to ignore these little nudges. so some thing's afoot.


Ghost Dansing said...

i really like this picture but i keep forgetting what it is.... i looked it up one time, but now i forgot.....

you live in exciting times Sherry..... it could be anything...... nothing can change the shape of things to come.....

lisahgolden said...

I was just thinking the same thing as Ghost Dansing. It could be anything and I'm hoping it's good.

Dave Schipper said...

it's probably a mouse in the house, you got cats?

they'll take care of it...



Sherry Pasquarello said...

hi gd. i like the song!

hi lisa, who knows? sometimes it's good, sometimes bad. sometimes i don't think anything happened and then i find out later that it did but i didn't know. it's strange.

my gram could tell, my 1 cousin, my 1 uncle and my daughter. we never discussed it.(too catholic growing up)

hi dave! oh we get mice and i have cats. layla was a stray i got from a shelter. she's an excellent mouser. bob??? his strong suit is bugs. he watches layla work! : )

heydave said...

Speaking of mousies, it's so cold here in Ioway, stupid cold, that the mice in my crawl space are freaking out and setting out on little ill-fated ring-bearer type missions to my kitchen. Only to find that Mordor is apparently French for the mousetrap near my stove.

And sorry, yes, I made this past weekend a LotR festival as teevee sucked even worse than usual.