Sunday, February 01, 2009

david duke-then and now.
(what a guy, huh?! much snark!)

i wasn't going to blog much if anything today. Superbowl you understand, BUT

this is too damn great! i found it on pam's house blend and just had to share it.

i hope he has a big ole headache. i truly do.from his own website-

david duke, hater extraordinaire:

When a reporter for the Washington Post interviewed me on the appointment, this is what I said:

I am glad these traitorous leaders of the Republican Party appointed this Black racist, affirmative action advocate to the head of the Republican party because this will lead to a huge revolt among the Republican base. As a former Republican official, I can tell you that millions of rank-and-file Republicans are mad as hell and aren’t going to take it anymore! We will either take the Republican Party back over the next four years or we will say, “To Hell With the Republican Party!” And we will take 90 percent of Republicans with us into a New Party that will take its current place!

I think the insanity of nominating “Mr. Amnesty” John McCain and now this Black racist — will lead to insurgency in the Republican ranks, and a lot of dissidents getting elected in Republican Party primaries around the country. This will result over the next four years a real move by millions of Republicans to take the party back to the populist issues that are not only right but can win for the Republican Party. We must end affirmative action, protect our gun rights and all our constitutional rights, have a moratorium on immigration, we must have protectionism, yes I said protect American businesses and their workers from NAFTA and GATT and the lie of free trade, and we must have America First, not foreign interventionism. Our boys should be home protecting the American borders a not being murdered on the borders of Iraq or Afghanistan. The time as come for Republican Party to stand up to Obama and defend American heritage, rights, and freedom!

Who knows if they will print an word of my comments, but millions will read them here on — As our Internet numbers grow soon we will be able to also say “To hell with the controlled media.”

The Republican leadership is not going to get away with this one. Obama is bad enough as President, we will not stand for Obama junior to be head of the Republican Party

I have compiled here some direct quotes from the new Black racist, Republican Chairman, complete with unimpeachable sources, mostly from his own campaign websites and press releases. Also here are some media excerpts about how happy we should be about our new Republican Chairman.

Let’s make this abomination in the Republican Party, the last major party of White redoubt, as a rallying cry of resistance!

-david duke

(this from a guy that looks as if he wears more make up than most ladies i know!)

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