Wednesday, February 18, 2009

the great mutant nasty cat tale-

my father had this cat named cindy. a mutant little siamese nutcase.
cindy is 6 lbs, teeny, but with HUGE full sized mouth and teeth and claws and big, big eyes.

that cat loved my dad and he was the ONLY person that could actually hold her. she hated everyone else. even me and i'm an animal lover(tho if she was in a really good mood she'd let me brush her. i couldn't TOUCH her but i could brush her.)

while my dad became more and more laid up with cancer cindy would lie with him on the bed in the living room. they really were a pair!

after my father passed the cat decided after about a week that it would be a really smart move to suck up to my mom.

my mom loved that and the 2 of them became inseparable. we had to sell the house and mom moved into a senior highrise(which she LOVES. my mother's a very social lady)

anyway. we were trying to come up with a way to get the cat moved along with my mother but EVERYONE in the family was wary of cindy's temper. my sister TRIED to pick her up and put her in a cat carrier. wrong move. cindy bit her in the hand and my sister ended up in the hospital on i.v. antibiotics.

my mom was having a hissy over that cat because after my dad died she just really treated cindy like a person(a very spoiled person)

so i borrowed an animal trap from a friend(hi doug!)put a can of cat food in it and BOOM we had the cat and took her to the highrise. all was well. til mom got a notice that they wanted the paperwork on cindy's rabies shot.

this cat is over 12 years old and has NEVER been outside but rules are rules.

we searched high and low but no vet, even mine would give me anything to calm cindy down without seeing her first and we couldn't get her TO a vet without something. a catch 22!

thankfully my mother, who at 90 has more on the ball than i do, found that there was a vet that visits the highrise. she called, explained. he said(bless him!) no problem! he asked her to shut the cat in her bathroom before he got there(she did, with a food treat)

he showed up with a sort of fishing net, trapped her. (she gave up after a moment. no one to bite!!!)he checked her. gave her the shot AND cut her nails!!

that's how i know she's all of 6 lbs!

mom's happy. the county is happy. cindy is pissed off but i do NOT care.

ans somewhere my father is laughing his butt off! he always loved how "feisty" she was.


Utah Savage said...

Great story. I had a mean kitty of my own. I was the only one for her. She terrorized all dogs big and small. She either bit or scratched every one of my friends. And still my friends kept trying. Rianna would look so sweet and friendly sitting on the couch, but sit next to her and she would hook one claw in and then wait for you to move away. She died when she was over twenty. The mean may live longer then the rest of us.

Sherry Pasquarello said...

i don't know what i can do with that cat if my mom passes. cindy hates eveyone AND any animals.

she's great with my mother and my mother dotes on her.

everyone in the family has pets of their own so none of us could take her.