Friday, July 03, 2009

Jon Stewart Blasts Glenn Beck

Jon Stewart Blasts Glenn Beck & Michael Scheuer For Promoting Slaughter Of Americans (VIDEO)

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Dave Schipper said...

Thanks... wow... Fox News who watches that stuff.


Sherry Pasquarello said...

sadly, i do know quite a few people that only watch fox. they believe every word of it.

i watch all channels just to see what's up.

fox and limbaugh etc. don't care who they hurt or how many people they scare needlessly all in search of ratings and money.

Bee said...

I work with an entire office full of nitwits who, like Sherry said, not only listen, but believe every single word uttered on the cable show, on the am radio show, on the website (where the big story a couple of weeks ago was UFO's over London which looked like lightening bugs to me). It is truly astounding some of the stupid stuff they parrot from that network.