Sunday, July 05, 2009

we all went over to pudd'n's for a picnic and fireworks yesterday. it was a really nice time tons of food and more fireworks than normal. pudd'n and redneck bought an entire truck full. thankfully (tho i'm still not a fan of doing this) they have a huge empty field and are very very careful.

the funniest part of the day was when a teeny little mouse ran across the big cement patio that surrounds their pool.
the little mouse was close to the big sliding doors that lead into the kitchen and bec was afraid he'd run in there(why, i have no idea ) i told them that i had rescued many little mice from my cats over the years and that to calm down and just grab the critter by the tail and we'd let him loose in the field.


imagine 4 or 5 adults chasing a little field mouse all over the place with redneck trying to catch it in his cap!

the mouse finally went into the grass and under the cement slab(which is most probably where he lives)

i put a cheese cracker and a small piece of cheese under the cement and poked it back in so he'd have something to show for his efforts.


Bee said...

LOL! Mice may be little disease carriers, but they're awfully cute.

Sherry Pasquarello said...

yeah, i know, but i can only imagine what that poor little critter was feeling as all these loopy humans were chasing it. he hopped over my hand twice and in and out of redneck's cap a few times as we all bumped into each other, shrieking as the rest of the people shouted directions to us and commented on how utterly stupid we looked. (they were right, now that i think about it. we did look stupid)