Monday, November 09, 2009

HEY-TOO COOL! and xmas is coming up-great gift idea for poetry lovers:

Jim Bennett’s new poetry collection 'Larkhill' is now available from Searle

Bill Westron, Western Magazine; "A stunning collection"

Martyn Halsall, Poetry Editor, Third Way. writes

"Jim Bennett is a generous poet and this collection is a small library of open-
hearted experiences. Larkhill summarises the work of a writer who observes
closely, and translates what he sees and feels into responses that engage,
amuse and extend our perceptions. Pithy, wry, witty and wise, this is poetry
that embraces our world in all its paradoxical potential. Revelations are
seasoned with questions; a nod at the familiar with a recognition of pain
behind a brave smile. This magnetic poetry often contests the expected, by
working from a broad canvas to a telling detail, like a three legged newt, a
squashed fly, or a staple’s rust-print on old papers. There is the constant
delight of acute observation: ‘clambering clouds’, or birds that are ‘just a
of pepper’ in sunlight. Such detail re-opens expansive topics, summoning our
re-appraisal. Children, sieving gravel for bullets, summarise the aftermath of
war. An older couple, with their comfortable fantasies about literature and fine

art, offer a deep reading about love and imagination. So, smile at the clown in
the workplace, mourn with the bereaved mother, pause by the charred books
and investigate the detective’s post-script. Jim Bennett writes of ‘the new
world’, and also presents one, in all its intriguing promise."

Thomas Graham-Land editor Alsatia Review writes;

"I was pleased to see a new book of poetry from Jim Bennett, it is always an
event and as usual full of unexpected twists and turns. There is an emotional
edge to his work which never crosses over into the melodramatic but holds its
line and takes the reader to unexpected highs and lows. Jim is an exceptional
writer, one of the few of his generation to carry the torch of poetry through
the wild lands of free verse and the abandonment of form and punctuation to
show what can be achieved with words and lineation. This is a collection
which shows all his strengths. Perhaps the greatest of which is his ability to
see the unique and wonderful in the mundane and ordinary. I recommend this
collection without reservation."

You can get your copy today £7.99 from

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