Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Tomorrow, October 20th Jobs Now Rally 3 PM City County Building! Our Community needs jobs, please come out and help us fight for jobs! If you didn't make it down to Occupy Pittsburgh this weekend, or even if you did, here is another chance to SPEAK UP for jobs and an economy that works for all! Please RSVP by Phone! Ask for Velda Bradley Please RSVP and ask for Velda Bradly 412 567-7275 Be sure to tell her if you need a ride, or if you have room for someone in your car. Wear your Royal Blue and Gold, and be ready for some ACTION! ACTION UNITED NEEDS YOU: Velda Bradley, our Head Volunteer, is looking for members to join the Volunteer Corps! Make your volunteer hours work for change and help others! We have awards and certificates, and also help you with your resume if you are looking for work. Volunteer time looks real good on a resume! Just call her, and say, “I would like to volunteer!” SAVE THE DATES October 28th ACTION United demands an end to Foreclosures! We will be marching to save the homes of several families from our communities who are facing foreclosure. November 3rd PIIN Public Meeting- 6:30 PM Members Will Rally around the ACTION United Banner at Rodef Shalom, 4905 Fifth Avenue in Oakland. November 9th Clean Rivers and Green Jobs! ACTION United Clean Rivers Action Team will attend the ALCOSAN meeting to ask questions and to support green Infrastructure in the plan to fix Pittsburgh’s storm runoff system.

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