Friday, November 11, 2011

went to the store early this morning. on the way back there was a lady in a huge black caddy in front of me, TEXTING as she drove. she eased past every one of the stop signs and her speed varied.
now- here in PA. a no texting bill was just signed BUT it doesn't take effect til MARCH!

what about all the accidents and injuries and deaths til then????


Omnipotent Poobah said...

CA has a no texting law and I have to say it doesn't seem to be cuttiing the incidents much. BTW, they shouldn't allow it for pedestrians too.

Sherry Pasquarello said...

it's damn scary round here. just had a 17 year old high school girl crash her car into a tree and die while texting- when i learned to drive we were taught 2 hands on the wheel!