Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Robert Myers:
  • This argument Mitt Romney made in Israel about how strong the economy is and why they are doing so well, goes to show how lost he is about taxes! The principal taxes in Israel are income tax, capital gains tax, VAT and land appreciation tax. CAPITAL GAIN TAX, the one he and his gop wants to eliminate completely!! Raising of the corporate tax rate from 24% to 25% and possibly 26% in 2013. Additionally, a new top income bracket of 48% (instead of 45%) would be introduced for people earning more than NIS 489,480 per annum. People who earn more than NIS 1 million a year would pay a surtax of 2% on their income and taxation of capital gains would not be decreased to 20% but remain at 25% in 2012. Sounds like everything the democrats were trying to do, but was blocked at every turn by the republicans. GOP are hypocrites!!! So, Romney praises Israel on how financially strong they are. Praises the Universal Health Care system there, which has the individual mandate and they raised taxes!
             me- either mitt thinks we are too stupid to find this out or he thought that the Israelis didn't know what taxes they pay or he is just stupid, clueless and pandering!

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