Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Armed Forces Show Overwhelming Support for Obama - OpenSecrets Blog | OpenSecrets

Armed Forces Show Overwhelming Support for Obama - OpenSecrets Blog | OpenSecrets

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was a flawed study, which is you read their polling methods is apparent. One poster point that out. This was a self-report from older members who made more money and had higher pay grades and had college education. Hardly representative of the "Armed Forces". In fact, a minority of the armed forces. These men were self-reporting and voluntary, which is not an example of good "sampling" if you know anything about statistics. But, this headline makes a great (but misleading) headline.
Could these older, higher-paid, college educated military be looking for a cushy Government job? Just a thought.

I don't have an account with any of the below sign-in choices, except for Google (which I have blocked on my computer d/t their nosey tracking methods), so I'll just have to be anonymous I guess, which I don't like.