Sunday, May 06, 2018

Worth 5 Minutes Of Your Time To Read: The Rotten Fruit Produced By Toxic Trees The modern “Christian” Right began long before Trumpism. Trumpism is simply the rotten fruit produced by the toxic tree of apostasy. It's the fruit of lies, and false teaching grown and nurtured by a cadre of racists, bigots, con men and criminals. The darkness we are all in at the present time is just the logical culmination of all their activities over the last 50 years. It all started when a group of men, Paul Weyrich, Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Tim LaHaye, Francis Schaeffer and others grew furious with the new US school desegregation laws in the 1970s. They wanted their schools to be all white and no one was going to tell them what to do. When the Federal Government pulled the tax-exempt status of the racially segregated religious schools The “Christian” Right was officially born, and racism was its cornerstone. “Christian” Right founding fathers couldn’t expose the racist centerpiece of their movement so they literally shopped around for more socially acceptable issues they could use as false fronts. In the end they settled on abortion and homosexuality. Before this apostate effort US clergy were on the front lines in favor of safe and legal abortion. Paul Weyrich went on to co-found the conservative think tanks The Heritage Foundation, and the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). Over the years Republicans have adopted the worst possible policies and platforms which stand in the way of the overall good of all US citizens: misogyny, bigotry, xenophobia, Islamophobia, Ayn Rand’s Objectivism (whether their base knows it or not), union busting, supply-side (trickle-down) economics, militarism, voter suppression, harmful deregulation, laissez-faire capitalism, deficit spending, historic legislative obstruction, sabotage of social safety programs, sabotage of education, sabotage of worker’s rights, exponential growth of incarceration and private prisons, etc. The “Christian” Right just smiles and goes right along with all of it. Republican policy crushes the least of these underfoot. Republican ideology is the opposite of everything Jesus taught. Yet here we are. 81% of white evangelicals voted for Trump. We’ve been speaking out about all this for 10 years now. There are very few organizations like this one out there. If the few that exist ever disappear who will be left to speak the truth? To keep all this going requires human effort which comes at a cost. The “Christian” Right always makes sure their organizations have plenty of operating budget. Would you like to help us keep our doors open today? Please make a contribution. We’re user supported. Here’s how:

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