Saturday, November 30, 2019

THE REPUBLICAN LIES ABOUT HILLARY CLINTON. BY HARVIE L CHRISTIAN Hillary is a good decent woman. She has devoted her adult life working for America, specifically in the field of women's rights around the world and health care for women and children. She also served our country honorably as a U.S, Senator and Secretary of State. She was a victim of 25 years of character assassination by republicans who made up lies about her and conducted numerous investigations which never led to a single charge that could be brought against her. What Christian's seem to hold most against her is the fact that she remained in her marriage after her husband cheated on her. So they made up and passed lies against her. Benghazi - She did not leave 4 men to die. She was not in the military chain of command and could not have ordered the forces to stand down even had she wanted to. Anyone who has been in the military should know that but many choose to ignore it. Even the Republicans who used that terrorist attack to attack her character concluded that there was nothing she could have done to save those 4 men. In fact they concluded that the main reason the attack took place was because congress failed to provide funding for providing security for the Ambassador. The army had scheduled to accompany the Ambassador to Benghazi but were forced to cancel due to lack of funding. The Ambassador took it on himself to rely on local security forces. That was a mistake. The initial reports were made by the CIA and news media and had incorrect information. As soon as the actual information of what happened was determined, the state department released it. As far as her email was concerned, she was the first Secretary of State to follow the law and turn over official email to the state department for archiving. None of her predecessors had done so. She used a government provided and maintained server for her email. Her predecessors used AOL, a commercial server, or a server provided by the RNC. The RNC destroyed their server when Bush was no longer president. What were they hiding? Bush destroyed over 25 million emails by destroying their hard drives. Why were there no questions about that? You cannot say one thing against Hillary that is not based on a lie or Republican propaganda which is based on facts. Go ahead. Give it a try. Now you justify your support for a man who is the exact opposite of Christ in every way. Explain that.

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