Tuesday, August 09, 2005

in the spirit of bill clinton (and yes, i STILL like the man) who said he did it just because he could, here's a chicken joke for you this morning while i sift through my files.

why did the chicken cross the road?

the confluence of events in the cultural gestalt necessitated that indvidual chickens cross roads at this historical junture, and therefore synchronicitously brought such occurrences into being. carl jung


to boldly go where no chicken has gone before! captain james t. kirk

1 comment:

Berko Wills said...

Me too! The US has gone from having one of the best leaders to one of the worst - just like that.

I could never understand the accusations thrown at Bill. Even the Simpsons have a jibe about him being mediocre. My opinion: on the stature of JFK, just a later time. I have seen him being interviewed about more substantial things than the stains on Monica's dress and he's a VERY intelligent and well informed man(again, unlike the incumbent crumb bum)
