Friday, August 12, 2005

Two things to ponder this weekend. two books to recommend. one i've read and reread, one i intend to buy.

the first, i've read and read again whenever i get a little tired of groups trying to claim that they have the only way, that theirs is the only truth. "ONE HEART" wisdom from the world's scriptures. it shows by examples how most of the world's religions have the same tenants.


the one i intend to buy (as soon as i save up the money for it)

LISTEN TO HER VOICE: WOMEN OF THE HEBREW BIBLE. by miki raver this is an excerpt that caught my attention.

in the Torah, two names are used for the divine. one is Elohim, which was translated to english as " God " the name is actually plural in the original hebrew; it means " powers " and encompasses both femine and masculine genders. through the years, it was almost forgotten that the name Elohim has both masculine and femine sides.

it looks interesting, i myself am eclectic and i know i haven't all the answers so i follow my path and try to treat other's as i wish to be treated.

i wish for peace.

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