Saturday, December 10, 2005

thank you charlie tee!

charlie came across my blog and stayed to read and decided he liked it here.
he is the musician and sweet soul i wrote about earlier. his band is the carpenter ants.
well, charlie wrote a beautiful post on my poetry and my little eclectic whatsis blog here.
blogging is an amazing thing. i have met so many people with so much to offer and learn from. i have also met thru the internet and my poetry workgroup people from all over the globe and of all walks of life, all races, creeds and orientations. i am richer by far for meeting them. even the people with different political views, i welcome reading and debating unless they are just masking casual cruelty with clever quips. those, i can do without, but in this life there is good and bad and i learn as i go.thank you all and a special thanks to charlie tee and his wife that is his love and support in this journey we all share. s


Albert Torcaso said...

That was nice of him and of you to thank each other.

Sherry Pasquarello said...

hi, nice counts. honestly, if we tried(and i fail at times) to treat others as we would wish to be treated, nothing else could cause pain and anger, not politics or religions or race or gender or preferences. it is that simple and that complex.
if i treat someone as i would want to be treated and they use or abuse my trust, the stain is upon them, not me and i will walk away and they will miss an opportunity to gain a friend or to do a kindness.