Friday, January 20, 2006

friday, chicken joke time!!!

ah, i know, can't start your weekend without one!

why did the chicken cross the road???

" because the government had fooled the chicken
into thinking that she was crossing of her own free will,
when she was really only serving THEIR interests."

George Orwell


Kevin said...

Why did the turkey cross the road?

The chicken called in sick.

Sherry Pasquarello said...

hi, i did that one on the 6th. you must visit the same chicken joke sites that i do. i don't know what possessed me to start posting chicken jokes, but then, freud would have a field day with me! ha!
thank you for checking out my blog. i will be reading yours. if you want, read a few of my poems and comment, just to let me know which if any touch you in some way. thanks much.