Tuesday, July 28, 2009

in sort of a bad mood this morning. spent about 3 hours last evening at the ER with my mom. her cat flipped out and bit the hell out of her leg.

we sat there til she started bleeding thru the wrapping the emts had put on it, all over the wheel chair.

then they took her in, cleaned the punctures, dressed the leg and sent her home with antibiotics. she's 90 with a bad heart. her blood pressure(usually very low) was thru the roof for quite awhile.

that cat is a nasty old thing and it's the same one that put my sister in the hospital for 3 days a few years ago because even tho she saw the doctor right away-she ended up on iv antibiotics.

mom says the cat is "sorry" that cat's going very soon. we just don't want to get mom too worked up.

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