Sunday, December 25, 2011

back home! been a long two days but all the prep and running was well worth it. i think everyone had a great time. xmas eve was at my daughter and son-in-law's. i made the sauce and the meatballs and the fried bread and some cookies and brownies, the smelts and the baccala and the calamari (squid) in tomato sauce. my kid made cookies and she and her hubby and my nephew made the homemade raviolis (meat and cheese ones)my sister brought a big salad and we had italian bread as well.
there was a houseful of people and everyone had a great time playing games and then opening gifts.
today we stopped at a friend's home to say hi and exchange girts and then we went to my sister's house to eat. my nephew and his friend were there and we had a big turkey dinner and candy and southern comfort!
i brought the turkey carcass home to make soup for my niece. she couldn't make it home for xmas but she will be in for her brother's and my birthday in jan. she loves turkey soup so whenever there's turkey- i take the bones home to make soup.
my little sweetie was so excited all night last night! she got toys and games and a set of books that she really wanted. she loves to read and that makes me so very happy.

i think she took the stuffed talking bacon slice to bed with her last night!

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