Sunday, January 22, 2012

Keith Olbermann Fan Page

 You have been hearing Newt mention in all of his useless speeches a man by the name of Saul Alinsky. Saul Alinsky was a community organizer. His organizing skills across the country in poor neighborhoods would receive great praise. That praise would then lead him to African American communities to improve their conditions as well. Saul was praised for his wo...rk and "often COMPARED" to Thomas Paine,... one of the Founding Fathers. (You know, "the founding fathers" the republicans often refer to in all of their speeches and hang their every word on) Newt likes to put Obama and now the Alinsky name all in one sentence, as if to suggest to it's audience, "a dirty combination." Code for Jew and black man. Newt never states the relationship many saw in Alinsky and Paine. Nope! He will distance himself from that end of it. He knows he can't succeed in his rhetoric if he were to mention Paine/Alinsky, in the same sentence. No way can he say one of our founding fathers names in the same sentence as Obama/Alinsky = Thomas Paine.....whom by the way also wrote the book on "common sense." Yes, Paine wrote the book on common sense....Newt must ignore that mans name. The audience must never know what good company Obama is in. The audience must go away thinking ugly, dirty, thoughts of the "Jew and the black man".......while avoiding how Thomas Paine fits into all of this as well. The man who wrote the book on Common Sense!! We (republicans) must keep our distance from common sense....

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