Tuesday, August 14, 2018

CBS is reporting that there may be some fire at the end of Omarosa’s trail of smoke. They were given access to a tape overnight where Trump’s staffers were recorded discussing Trump using the N word. . This past weekend, Trump called Omarosa a “lowlife.” This morning he called her a “dog” on Twitter. He tweeted 8 tweets in one hour this morning, 7 of which were attacks on the investigation. His mind is disintegrating from stress. . Here’s my prediction: If it turns out to be true that he used that word, and there are tapes that confirm it, his approval rating will take a big hit with the general public—but NOT with his base. It won’t budge a single percentage point. In fact, he might even get a bump with them. . If they can spin an admission of sexually assaulting random women as “locker room talk” to the base’s satisfaction, they’ll spin this to the their satisfaction too. But it’ll confirm once and for all their racist proclivities. No non-racist supports an exposed racist under ANY circumstances. If it’s true, and there’s a tape that confirms it, and you’re still a MAGAt... congratulations, you’re a RACIST. . That 83% of the GOP that’s still with Trump will go down with him. And then these “non-bigots” will continue to blame it on a conspiracy by a woman and his black predecessor. Thank you Bruce L.

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