Saturday, June 25, 2022

The dog who caught the car. So, you caught the car, huh? Well, you own it now. Here are some of the things you own. You caught the woman who could not control her alcoholism and now her baby has fetal alcohol syndrome and will live in a facility for the rest of his life. You caught the woman whose miscarriage is now rotting in her womb because it cannot be removed. You caught the woman with 3 kids and a husband who beats her till her bones break, but only leaves scars on the kids. She gets to bring another child into this world of pain. You caught the young girl who got suckered into sleeping with a twenty-year-old and doesn't understand pregnancy, not really, not yet. You caught the student in the dormitory who thought, "Hey, what can one drink hurt?" and didn't realize she was being drugged. You caught the girl whose uncle has been raping her. You caught the high schooler who had sex in the back seat one night, and has been wearing oversized sweatshirts, and what is that in the toilet on prom night? You caught the woman who had no business passing on her own abuse to her child, and now that child is on the streets, hustling her young body to make it to a hotel for the night. Yeah, you caught the car. Now own it. -- Credit to Zoe Hearth

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