Wednesday, October 08, 2008

sad, just heard from one of my best friends. she and her husband are voting mccain because of this ayers terrorist story!

they have every right to vote how they choose and i am glad that they do vote. a lot don't, but my goodness. doesn't anyone believe that a person can change and work for good thru the system?

if no one can pay for their crimes or even in far less serious things than ayers case,just decide to work towards being a better human being, then why ever let anyone go free? just lock anyone away that has ever done or contemplated wrong, no matter the degree.

ayers was dead wrong back then. i think he must have changed his ways or he wouldn't be out on the street this long just trying to do good.

there were republicans that served on that chicago board with ayers as well.
no one is pointing fingers at them.

in all of this, i'm wondering how this man and his family feel after all these years of just trying to be an average guy and suddenly be cast as a wild eyed snarling terrorist at his age.

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