Wednesday, February 03, 2010

it's a very quiet day round here.
going to roast a half turkey breast later.

not sure what else i'm going to do. i have a few books i've been reading- a chapter from one, then maybe a chapter from another. (have i mentioned lately that REGLAN SUCKS??? fucking brain damage- like i didn't have enough, a POX upon that doctor)

snow flurries and grey out- sun -i was blue skies and sun!

there was EASTER candy for sale at the drug store!!! i saw the displays when i went to refill my meds. cripes.

i'm going to have to make an appointment for a physical- in the spring. i KNOW i'm going to be in for a lot of tests. i wouldn't mind it so much if they did them like they USED to do them. put you in the hospital for a day and just do them ALL. having to schedule 4 or 5 tests at different places on different days and in some cases- having to get a ride home cause you aren't allowed or are not up to driving is such a major hassle.

i've been putting it off and i know better but it always seemed as if there was something going on with others and i never made the time for me. that is my fault.

hummm, wonder what else i can make with that turkey???

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