Saturday, June 19, 2010


these are 2 pictures- the beginning and the ending.
my parents wedding photo and my father holding his great granddaughter. very near the end of his life.
he changed a great deal in between those two pictures. not just physically but as a human being. from an extremely poor family raised in a small rural coal mining area with most of the good and most of the bad learned behaviors from that time and place.

he changed over the course of my life and became a loving grandfather and a doting great grandfather to my little sweetie.

he lived hard and died harder but underneath it all he had a big heart. too bad he was taught not to let it show. i was 30 years old before he really did. he learned- i learned.

happy father's day dad. i know you are somewhere raising hell- probably with john wayne-the world's greatest actor-according to you and who am i to disagree.

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