Friday, August 10, 2012


 The Pragmatic Progressive Page

 I feel like maybe I'm spilling a closely guarded secret... but here goes nothing -
I live in Wyoming. This place actually names buildings after Dick Cheney. We are so red that when we bleed, our politics laugh at our blood for not being red enough. We are so republican that the Republicans are split into three parties, The Tea Party, The R...
hino Party, and The Crow Party. The three parties like to sit and dare each other to be more conservative while they smugly laugh at anybody who says the word Democrat and tries to run for office.
You'd think that here, in such a Republican place, we'd see a Romney Bumper sticker or two. Well, the cat's out of the bag - I haven't seen a single one.
I'm not saying we should lower the alarm at such a guy running for office, I'm just saying that even his people aren't that thrilled with the guy. I mean, I've seen more than a few anti-Obama stickers but not one sticker, not one t-shirt, not one yard sign, nothing in favor of Romney. That disturbs me.

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