Tuesday, October 16, 2018

I don't know if history repeats its self or not, but I do know that stupid people will repeat stupid things. Trickle down economic has never worked, but this crowd in the White House did it again anyway. Donald and his Republican legislative flunkies gave another major tax cut to the wealthy, lying to the gullible that it was a middle-class tax break, it is not and was never intended to be. What that tax cut did do, as all sane economists predicted it would, dug this country deeper and deeper in debt, which has happened, a trillion dollars worth thus far this year. Put simply, we are spending far more than we are talking in. Ali Velshi pointed today on his show that every Republican since Reagan has spent more money than they took in by giving major tax cuts to the rich. Democrats, Velshi said, increased taxes, as Republicans claimed it would hurt the economy, which it did not and the deficit came down. Now, all of this can be checked, something we know Donald's deplorables won't do, because they only believe him, it's called worship. And so here we go again having to face Republicans, as Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan complaining about the costs of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, yes, they want to cut the budgets for those programs, but that's not all, Ryan and his crowd have long yearned to privatize the P.O. and turn that service over to the private sector. Oh yes, elections do have consequences, and look at what we are suffering from the last election. We can stop all of this nonsense by just...VOTING! Thank you Emanuel

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