Thursday, February 12, 2009


Dave Schipper said...

I have loved this from the first time I saw this... and I'm Christian. I truly believe the Christians that portray themselves knowing the law is governing.. I'd ask which one? Mine is love your neighbor and your enemy as you would yourself. I believe in Einstein's version of God... I paraphrase... "The universe is so incredible, there had to be a supreme being orchestrating it" The rest is just the details.



Sherry Pasquarello said...

Love and compassion is the Universal religion. That is my religion. ~ The Dalai Lama

this comes closest to my core belief. i've studied many different religions and quite a few have the same basic ideas of love and compassion and dinity and tolerence but, as with most anthing, people tend to bring their own wishes into it and claim they are divinely inspired.

me? i say, "live and let live."

the various religions and customs and mythologies thru out time are quite profound and beautiful and each fit the cultures and the times.

or as the bumper sticker says, "god is too big to fit into one religion"

i can also see the point of atheists and agnostics because truly as they say, "i don't KNOW and you don't either."

there is faith and belief but no real provable knowledge of anything.

yep, the rest is just details.

sad how the details have harmed so many.

if there is sin, surely that would be the biggest of all.