Thursday, August 30, 2007

i was asked to help spread the word and, so i am. think about it.



Dear Members and Supporters of the TMC, I am very glad to be the new communications director and am still lookingforward to meeting all those I did not get a chance to see at our recent meetand greet events. In the midst of celebrating 35 years as a peace and justice organization, theThomas Merton Center faces an unexpected financial crisis. Though mostnon-profits usually suffer a slow down of contributions during summer monthsthe center is experiencing an emergency situation. We have been an important community institution for many individuals and groupsin the region and it is very important to have a common space for the communityto share. As you know, the Center continues to support anti-nuclear groups,workers and the right to fair treatment in the workplace, anti-war efforts, andthe quest to increase the peace and stop the violence in our communities. The Thomas Merton Center has been able to provide support and resources forprojects such as the Pittsburgh Campaign for Democracy Now, Save Our Transit,and Book ‘Em books-to-prisoners campaign.
The TMC continues to help people onthe local level to think globally though the efforts of the Pittsburgh Darfur Emergency Coalition, the Africa Project and the Haiti Solidarity Committee. Our long-time colleagues from American Friends Service Committee recentlysponsored a vigil with Demilitarize Pittsburgh, a project of the Thomas MertonCenter, to recognize the anniversary of the Hiroshima bombing and make connections to war profiteers and the arms race today. Recently featured in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette was TMC member and urban farmer Claire Schoyer and several other members of the Center's Sustainable LivingProject.
Pittsburgh is one of the few large cities with a lot of green space inan urban environment. The members of this project are working on communal,organic gardens to eventually provide a free source of healthy food. They aimto facilitate self-sustaining and less destructive human environments bystudying and mimicking relationships found in nature.
As you see, the Thomas Merton Center is as committed to peace and justice issuestoday as we were in 1972. Over the years, our work has continued to transcendrace, gender and socio-economic factors.
The demolition and replacement of an old fire escape has put a large hole in theMerton Center budget. Nearly $20,000 has been spent so far in that process alonewith another $11,000 due to pay off the bill for the new structure. Thedemolition has caused damage to the community institution housed in the heart
of the Penn Avenue Arts district in Garfield. The structure had to undergomasonry repairs and still needs roofing, gutter and downspout work which meansadditional funds are needed. Clearly the escalating costs were not anticipatedby the former financial management team. Other physical plant issues the Center is facing come from further inspection bythe current staff and board members. This includes the need to renovate spaceavailable for community use, replace an antiquated phone system and to improveour computer networking capabilities. Various individuals and groups havestepped forward over the past weeks to offer donations, volunteers andconsultation. We also need your assistance. The 2006 cost to run the center was just under $192,000, which pays for threefull-time and one half-time staff, office supplies and physical up keep. Thattotal 2006 budget does not include monies received by the 25 individualprojects that are fiscally sponsored by the Center which are used by theprojects. The current situation also has staff members facing possible layoffsto save the center. While supplemental funds are constantly being sought by our development,building, financial committee members and staff, that does not downplay or ruleout the urgent need for new and renewing memberships. We are also currently in the process of contacting major donors and planning forour next major fundraising event on November 15. The 2007 Thomas Merton AwardDinner will be held at the Sheraton Hotel in Station Square. This year’s Merton recipient will be Cindy Sheehan, the fiery “peace mom” of our growing anti-war movement. How can you help? We are asking you to make a donation, renew your membership,support our annual dinner, encourage others to become members, volunteer yourtime, goods or services to keep this community institution growing.

All of yourcontributions are tax deductible.

Donate online at:

Contact the staff about volunteering your time, goods or services at:


Send a donation to: Thomas Merton Center 5125 Penn Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15224 The Center is confident that we will get through this current situation andcontinue to serve the public by making everyone aware of this crisis but wecannot do this without your help. Thanks for your time Peace and justice for all,

Kevin Amos Communications Director

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