Thursday, September 27, 2007

Automatic weapons fire from troops sends thousands of anti-government demonstrators running through the streets of Yangon, Myanmar. Several people are dead, a Japanese official says. Authorities also raid monasteries in an effort to end the protests, which are being led by monks. from aol news.

send strong and healing thoughts and prayers.

also, note what happens in governments that lose sight of or do not have, a "we the people" ideal.


pissed off patricia said...

That situation is so damned sad for so many reasons. How far away are we from those terrible conditions? Not far enough.

Sherry Pasquarello said...

people here, well a lot of our people, think that somehow we are magically protected against these things. we are not. as our founders said we must be ever vigilant. they said they gave us a republic "if we can keep it."